Atlantis Dunes- Sandboarding and Quadbiking

Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes to 3 Hours

Sandboarding and Quadbiking

Location: Atlantis Dunes

Time: weather permitted

Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes to 3 Hours

The real art of sandboarding is balancing your weight with your feet fixed to a sand board whilst skimming down a sand dune. You can control your need for speed by firstly selecting a dune with a height and angle that you are comfortable testing your limits on, and secondly controlling your descent using a method referred to as carving which is the art of shifting your weight from your heels to your toes forcing the board to steer left or right. Once these skills have been mastered you can start throwing in a few tricks of your own like jumping and ramping off smaller dunes and busting out backflips with 180 degree spins!

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